[EnM/EnA] Eien no Manga Scanlations & Eien no Anime Translations

Viewing entire thread : aimasu

Anonymous / 784ab12a : 2008.03.07 (Fri) 11:36'45" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 172  [<<<<< Return to thread index]


Thank you so much for subbing Idolm@ster Live for you DVD OVA!
Chihaya's expression after waking up in the mansion is so priceless! (so are miki's tits ^w^)

Now, if only you guys would translate those drama CDs... :>

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Aya Kyunik / 0f576013 : 2008.03.09 (Sun) 17:15'00" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 173

Hello, Are you guys interested in subbing the Great Party section of the iDOLM@STER DVD where the voice actors get to talk to the fans and such?

I'd love to see it done but I dunno if it'll be too boring =/

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