[EnM/EnA] Eien no Manga Scanlations & Eien no Anime Translations

Viewing entire thread : NEEDLESS

Anonymous / 5b669acf : 2008.04.27 (Sun) 18:09'55" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 180  [<<<<< Return to thread index]

Is it still on hiatus? If the problem is finding RAWS, I would be glad to give them to somebody. They're good quality and they don't need editing.

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starfisher / 1bcb3ce6 : 2008.04.29 (Tue) 13:42'48" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 183

Alas, finding raws isn't the problem at hand. No editors = no manga releases. :s

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Anonymous / dc21664e : 2008.05.02 (Fri) 10:29'57" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 184

So nobody wants to translate, you mean?
Would it be alright if somebody picked up where you guys left off, then?

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starfisher / 9f4e9a68 : 2008.05.02 (Fri) 10:46'18" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 185

No, we have translators and there are/can be translations. It's just that we no longer have any Photoshop editors. As for picking up where we left off, feel free to do so. You can have my blessing too, for what it's worth. :p I suppose I can lurk in the channel, so if you need to catch me or have any questions, I'll try to be in there.

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Anonymous / dc21664e : 2008.05.02 (Fri) 14:12'38" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 186

Oh, jeez, that easy?! I have the RAWS all cleaned up. What font do you guys use? Anime Ace? I have shoops. :D

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starfisher / 1bcb3ce6 : 2008.05.05 (Mon) 14:58'29" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 189

My HDD died with all the manga files, so I can't do anything about it until summer. You're welcome to continue the project on your own though. Otherwise, contact me in about a month or so to see if we want to get the ball rolling. That's the best I can do. :(

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