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Viewing entire thread : Do you have any interest in doing the LuckyStar OVA?

suiton / c2989a4a : 2008.10.06 (Mon) 17:29'59" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 196 [<<<<< Return to thread index]

I really liked your LuckyStar episodes. They were very good quality. As you guys probably know, a 1 episode OVA has been released (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5932) I'd really like it if you guys released this. A RAW torrent for the OVA (DVD) has been released by many sources. Please check out like TokyoToshokan for it. Thanks!!

Reply : (No subject)

suiton / c2989a4a : 2008.10.06 (Mon) 17:31'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 197

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Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9e082ebf : 2008.10.06 (Mon) 23:42'09" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 199

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it has lolis so i'm sure they're all over it already

Reply : (No subject)

suiton / c2989a4a : 2008.10.07 (Tue) 05:50'03" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 200

That's good to know, but they haven't announced anything have they? And I noticed that the lastest post to the site was in March 2008? That's like 7 months ago...

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Anonymous / 9e04cffe : 2008.10.07 (Tue) 15:25'04" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 201

trust in the lolis!

Reply : (No subject)

suiton / c2989a4a : 2008.10.08 (Wed) 11:27'12" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 202

I'd rather trust [EnA] to release the Lucky Star OVA.

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / bbeef29a : 2008.10.08 (Wed) 23:30'53" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 203

Don't believe in them. Believe in the lolis that believe in them.

Or something.

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9e04d957 : 2008.10.09 (Thu) 21:20'39" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 204

it's out! the lolis didn't let us down!

Reply : (No subject)

suiton / 5b784c1b : 2008.10.10 (Fri) 04:53'10" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 205

Well well...

the OVA has been released!!!!!!!

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 985feaf5 : 2008.10.10 (Fri) 09:55'36" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 206

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praise to the lolis!

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9e0472b0 : 2008.10.10 (Fri) 12:17'40" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 207

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huzzah! lolis!

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9e080024 : 2008.10.12 (Sun) 03:19'55" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 212

[THUMBNAIL: 1223806795122.jpg]
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Did someone say lolis?

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9e04dc3c : 2008.10.15 (Wed) 01:16'32" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 213

[THUMBNAIL: 1224058592122.jpg]
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Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / bbeef29a : 2008.11.06 (Thu) 20:29'51" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 248

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Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / bbeef29a : 2008.11.25 (Tue) 22:50'51" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 263

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