Reply : (No subject)
Hitokiri555 / 0824e1dc : 2008.10.24 (Fri) 14:57'21" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 218
First I want to thank you for your feedback, and for downloading our episode.
I'm the one responsible for translating and/or trans-checking (and timing) kannagi.
In regards to your criticism, in our own defense, I would like to make a few comments.
I must confess, I have to agree it sounds like the lyrics goes "senobitan dakedo", and initially, that is what I had put down in my translation.
However, upon listening to the piece several times, and conducting some research online, I came to the conclusion "senobi darake no" is a more feasible option for both grammatical and colloquial reasons.
At this point, I believe it could go either way, and I still wouldn't know which to put my money on, until the official lyrics comes out. Thus, I with what information I/we have available to us, I wouldn't call it a mistake, but rather, a choice.