[EnM/EnA] Eien no Manga Scanlations & Eien no Anime Translations

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Anonymous / 5b669acf : 2008.04.27 (Sun) 18:09'55" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 180 [Reply to / view entire thread (5 replies) >>>>>]

Is it still on hiatus? If the problem is finding RAWS, I would be glad to give them to somebody. They're good quality and they don't need editing.

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starfisher / 1bcb3ce6 : 2008.05.05 (Mon) 14:58'29" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 189

My HDD died with all the manga files, so I can't do anything about it until summer. You're welcome to continue the project on your own though. Otherwise, contact me in about a month or so to see if we want to get the ball rolling. That's the best I can do. :(

Clannad movie

Thrax / c1b474b4 : 2008.04.25 (Fri) 11:36'12" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 176 [Reply to / view entire thread (0 replies) >>>>>]

I'm a french fansubber and after seeing your work, I was wondering if you could discuss with me about making a co-production with the Genesis fansub (http://fansub.code-genesis.net/?page=Accueil) to translate the Clannad Movie in French to share it with more people.

Contact me, at my e-mail (Thrax37@hotmail.fr) if you agree with it.
Thanks, Thrax.


IJ / cbee3b1b : 2008.03.11 (Tue) 12:12'44" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 174 [Reply to / view entire thread (1 reply) >>>>>]

Congrats on the release of the CLANNAD movie!

I wish you guys the very best in your future endeavors, and I hope at some time in the future, you folks can reconvene to do more fansubbing! I've always enjoyed your releases and look forward to more from you when your lives have settled down!

Take care!

--IJ, founder, Sprocket Hole Subs.

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starfisher / bb9a7431 : 2008.03.11 (Tue) 21:48'11" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 175

Thanks a lot, IJ. You've been one of our most loyal fans. Really appreciate it. Good luck to you with your subs as well (you guys seem like you'll be around for quite a bit longer).


Anonymous / 784ab12a : 2008.03.07 (Fri) 11:36'45" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 172 [Reply to / view entire thread (1 reply) >>>>>]

[THUMBNAIL: 1204918605120.jpg]
[FULL IMAGE: 1204918605120.jpg]

Thank you so much for subbing Idolm@ster Live for you DVD OVA!
Chihaya's expression after waking up in the mansion is so priceless! (so are miki's tits ^w^)

Now, if only you guys would translate those drama CDs... :>

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Aya Kyunik / 0f576013 : 2008.03.09 (Sun) 17:15'00" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 173

Hello, Are you guys interested in subbing the Great Party section of the iDOLM@STER DVD where the voice actors get to talk to the fans and such?

I'd love to see it done but I dunno if it'll be too boring =/

Not unreasonable.

Indigo Rose / 2e9857ca : 2007.10.19 (Fri) 07:57'01" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 112 [Reply to / view entire thread (47 replies) >>>>>]

I love Lucky Star, and the quality of e-n-m's subs is wonderful. However, it's been over two months since the last release, and while I'm loathe to download Lucky Star from some other subbing group, I'm not sure I can wait much longer. Just wanted to say that.

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Tadalafil / 9e205f2c : 2008.03.03 (Mon) 10:39'28" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 171



こなちゃん / 1ec05f2a : 2007.07.21 (Sat) 01:28'36" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 55 [Reply to / view entire thread (14 replies) >>>>>]

[THUMBNAIL: 1185006516118.jpg]
[FULL IMAGE: 1185006516118.jpg]

(No content)

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Anonymous / b4579edb : 2008.02.14 (Thu) 22:19'12" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 169

[THUMBNAIL: 1203056352120.jpg]
[FULL IMAGE: 1203056352120.jpg]

(No content)

Valentine Days

Anonymous / 5b9fb49c : 2008.01.24 (Thu) 14:43'15" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 164 [Reply to / view entire thread (1 reply) >>>>>]

This episode was totally hilarious esp the end!! XD

Are you guys planning to do the other OVA?

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Anonymous / 9e080013 : 2008.02.05 (Tue) 03:26'13" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 168

There's an OVA?

How to download DQ-EOR

Hagen / 3bb92136 : 2007.11.09 (Fri) 21:57'41" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 160 [Reply to / view entire thread (1 reply) >>>>>]

how to download this manga, i cant find any link to dl this manga

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starfisher / 9f4ecbe9 : 2007.11.12 (Mon) 19:44'16" UTC-0800 (PST)
No. 162

Manga can be found on the bot in our IRC channel.

Lucky Star Scripts

blinx01 / 4e742a47 : 2007.08.31 (Fri) 15:34'54" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 95 [Reply to / view entire thread (8 replies) >>>>>]

Hi, im currently working on putting subs onto the DVD's for Lucky Star and would like to use your work. To do so I would need the scripts to work with. I can be trusted. I have already subbed several DVD's and worked with SUDO and Eclipse to sub the DTB and Claymore DVD's. My work can be found on usenet and www.asiandvdclub.org

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Anonymous / 9e55cdb3 : 2007.10.23 (Tue) 23:31'20" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 116

Eclipse doesn't work with anyone but Static-Subs and gg so this guy is full of shit.

Lucky Star

Sai / 72e344f2 : 2007.06.20 (Wed) 15:57'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 21 [Reply to / view entire thread (25 replies) >>>>>]

I'm glad to hear the you guys haven't stopped subbing Lucky Star. I haven't watched past ep. 8 just because I prefer your quality.

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Anonymous / 9f4e9a68 : 2007.10.17 (Wed) 13:21'39" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 111

Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today announced their intent to acquire EnA Studios. This acquisition gives EA a strong competitive position in key genres such as Japanese animation and digital fansubbing. The studios have been recognized for creating some of the highest-quality fansubs in the industry. Henceforth, all EnA releases will now be under the EA brandname.

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