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Sai / 72e344f2 : 2007.06.20 (Wed) 15:57'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 21 [<<<<< Return to thread index]

I'm glad to hear the you guys haven't stopped subbing Lucky Star. I haven't watched past ep. 8 just because I prefer your quality.

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Kazuma / 2e780b2a : 2007.06.25 (Mon) 00:03'58" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 23

Yup, I'm only downloading Lucky Star from this group because of their quality ^_~
And now that they released 9 to 11, I can love them again.
Looking forward to future releases~

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Anonymous / 212ee166 : 2007.06.25 (Mon) 01:28'52" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 24

Same as the above. If it weren't for EnA I probably wouldn't even be following the series. And right when I start to wonder what they are doing they release three episodes at once.

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Anonymous / 4260061e : 2007.06.25 (Mon) 04:18'36" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 25

I agree, I'm sooooo glad they are back. I gave in after they got behind 2 episodes and checked the other two groups work. How does someone manage to make a 200+meg file look so bad? This groups work is beyond superior. Can't wait for the whole series to be completed!

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Anonymous / 9e53c4c0 : 2007.06.25 (Mon) 13:21'59" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 27

well actually being an encoder my self its not that hard to explain, its because lucky stars raws are in ultra high def (such as blu ray or hddvd)as most other anime is high def (such as a normal dvd player with component cables)and the file size is just the h.264 baseline format you could get better quality from a h.264 high (not to much better though) but the file size could be up to 14 gigs depending on the raw

at least with my encoding software its that way

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manakana / 2e4266b6 : 2007.07.13 (Fri) 12:22'28" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 50

I enjoy waiting for next release ^o^

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Anonymous / 982ac124 : 2007.07.23 (Mon) 21:34'10" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 58

Quality ... hah. The pictures may be pretty, but the subs or the quality control sucks ... I mean seriously, who lets "kyawaii" slip by as the spelling for "kawaii"

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Konata_Otaku / dcb1f5fa : 2007.07.23 (Mon) 23:15'24" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 59

If it sucks...Then stop watching. Only one spelling error and you get all egotistic.

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starfisher / dc47427b : 2007.07.23 (Mon) 23:18'09" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 60

... it's spelled that way in the official lyrics.

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Kovach_ / 7a738c09 : 2007.07.26 (Thu) 18:00'05" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 62

So...any releases soon? Not bitching,just asking ^_^

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QBall / 78037547 : 2007.07.30 (Mon) 02:35'38" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 63

The picture quality is top-notch after re-encoding them to MPEG2 and then authoring onto a DVD. The image is rich, vibrant and colorful on my 37" LCD TV.

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Anonymous / 5b7b53f8 : 2007.08.03 (Fri) 09:39'01" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 67

>Quality ... hah. The pictures may be pretty, but the subs or the quality control sucks ... I mean seriously, who lets "kyawaii" slip by as the spelling for "kawaii"

seriously you need to lurk more kya is the sound girls make when the scream about something cute makes sense to go kyawaii when screaming somethings cute

>The picture quality is top-notch after re-encoding them to MPEG2 and then authoring onto a DVD. The image is rich, vibrant and colorful on my 37" LCD TV.

i dont see how a dvd can look great on a lcd when you burn it to a dvd you get a big loss in quality

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Crimson7 / 391ee981 : 2007.08.04 (Sat) 06:51'33" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 69

Still no Lucky Star? I was hoping for an update when I saw the changelog...

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Kazuma / 2e780b2a : 2007.08.04 (Sat) 10:29'27" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 70

Yeah, I was kinda hoping that too. It wont be long before I start downloading from other groups ;P

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NarumiAyumu / bbeeb9a8 : 2007.08.05 (Sun) 03:56'06" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 71

Be prepared for a batch release soon then. ^^v

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Crimson7 / 391e4678 : 2007.08.05 (Sun) 08:03'22" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 72

Now that's the update I've been searching for!

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QBall / 78037547 : 2007.08.05 (Sun) 11:51'44" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 73

>>i dont see how a dvd can look great on a lcd when you burn it to a dvd you get a big loss in quality<<

Huge loss in quality? Hardly that. If you manually use the right filters and encoders, ad NOT the one-click crap programs (like WinAVI), then the so-called loss is very minimal. Trust me, after re-encoding these episodes with CCE, there really isn't anything to nit-pick over - especially since these files were sourced from a HD signal in the first place!

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Cyrus17 / 2c7300cd : 2007.08.06 (Mon) 08:18'31" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 74

I tried to watch a.f.k. release but gave up in like 30 minutes. They are underestimated Lucky Star, hence poor quality of their work. But this series is so great actually, it deserves much more from any group, - and then it truly shines. You made Lucky Star my favourite anime of the year, EnA, please continue your work.

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Crimson7 / 391e4631 : 2007.09.12 (Wed) 00:57'06" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 101

We need another Lucky Pack...

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Lancer667 / 9ec25ffe : 2007.09.27 (Thu) 11:37'26" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 104

I've got a fever. And the only prescription is more Lucky Star.

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Crimson7 / 391e4242 : 2007.09.28 (Fri) 05:54'50" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 105

Here I am again... asking, ever so humbly, for an update... What has happened to Lucky Star?

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starfisher / bb802a39 : 2007.09.29 (Sat) 00:35'41" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 106


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Anonymous / 9e5d2c80 : 2007.10.03 (Wed) 00:28'19" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 107

so long as the answer isn't no...thats good :)

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Anonymous / 9ec23cef : 2007.10.08 (Mon) 20:09'53" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 109

i hope the guy with the fever doesn't die of it before the medicine arrives

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Anonymous / 1e9bb64a : 2007.10.13 (Sat) 22:35'56" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 110

So is everyone like inactive or are the quitting on Lucky Star? I hope they aren't quitting cause that's my favorite version of LS.

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Anonymous / 9f4e9a68 : 2007.10.17 (Wed) 13:21'39" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 111

Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS) today announced their intent to acquire EnA Studios. This acquisition gives EA a strong competitive position in key genres such as Japanese animation and digital fansubbing. The studios have been recognized for creating some of the highest-quality fansubs in the industry. Henceforth, all EnA releases will now be under the EA brandname.

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