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blinx01 / 4e742a47 : 2007.08.31 (Fri) 15:34'54" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 95 [<<<<< Return to thread index]
Hi, im currently working on putting subs onto the DVD's for Lucky Star and would like to use your work. To do so I would need the scripts to work with. I can be trusted. I have already subbed several DVD's and worked with SUDO and Eclipse to sub the DTB and Claymore DVD's. My work can be found on usenet and www.asiandvdclub.org
QBall / 78037547 : 2007.09.02 (Sun) 10:01'07" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 96
I can vouch for blinx01 since I am also a member of ADC. He is a well-respected member and has done a superb job on the DVD's he's subbed using the scripts he was given by the various fansub groups.
Anonymous / 9e2d7e3c : 2007.09.02 (Sun) 10:12'06" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 97
isnt that... i dono illegal?
Anonymous / 2cb6cfc9 : 2007.09.05 (Wed) 13:41'19" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 98
Even fansubs are illegal, even if they are not licensed.
EdZ / db5f5fb6 : 2007.09.08 (Sat) 09:52'31" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 99
You can just pull the scripts straight from the episodes, as they're .mkvs. One of the beauties of softsubs is that you can put them otno a better quality video file when it becomes available. And I think he eans that he will be posting the DVD subs online, rather than burning them to DVDs and selling them (indisputabely ilegal, and highly immoral, as he would then be making a profit).
Anonymous / 2cb6cfc9 : 2007.09.09 (Sun) 01:46'53" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 100
Their subs are hard, they are not softsubs.
Anonymous / 9e5d9c5f : 2007.09.17 (Mon) 03:49'34" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 102
I work for sudo, and I can honestly say I have no idea who the fuck blinx01 is.
Anonymous / 47042a5a : 2007.09.18 (Tue) 17:43'34" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 103
sudo and eclipse releases are softsubbed. The scripts are easily extracted.
Anonymous / 9e55cdb3 : 2007.10.23 (Tue) 23:31'20" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 116
Eclipse doesn't work with anyone but Static-Subs and gg so this guy is full of shit.