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Viewing entire thread : CLANNAD movie

IJ / cbee3b1b : 2008.03.11 (Tue) 12:12'44" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 174 [<<<<< Return to thread index]

Congrats on the release of the CLANNAD movie!

I wish you guys the very best in your future endeavors, and I hope at some time in the future, you folks can reconvene to do more fansubbing! I've always enjoyed your releases and look forward to more from you when your lives have settled down!

Take care!

--IJ, founder, Sprocket Hole Subs.

Reply : (No subject)

starfisher / bb9a7431 : 2008.03.11 (Tue) 21:48'11" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 175

Thanks a lot, IJ. You've been one of our most loyal fans. Really appreciate it. Good luck to you with your subs as well (you guys seem like you'll be around for quite a bit longer).

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