[EnM/EnA] Eien no Manga Scanlations & Eien no Anime Translations

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I want more manga

Wing Fai Man / a8d90324 : 2007.10.03 (Wed) 14:04'37" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 108 [Reply to / view entire thread (0 replies) >>>>>]

I want more Manga are "Dragon Quest - Emblem of Roto" and "NEEDLESS" please?
What worng with Manga?

Lucky Star

lol wut / e669cb17 : 2007.08.12 (Sun) 10:21'14" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 83 [Reply to / view entire thread (10 replies) >>>>>]

did the lucky star project stopped or what?

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STi / b4eed8c0 : 2007.08.20 (Mon) 01:59'16" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 94

Nobody asked you, 4channer.

no one on irc...

sn4x / 5b7bc580 : 2007.08.06 (Mon) 16:39'18" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 75 [Reply to / view entire thread (5 replies) >>>>>]

[THUMBNAIL: 1186443558118.jpg]
[FULL IMAGE: 1186443558118.jpg]

heh heh heh i can turn this

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Anonymous / 5b7b2a9e : 2007.08.08 (Wed) 01:20'12" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 80

LOL different trip codes (guess thats dial up for you) also id like any ones opinion on my scan just for reference even if its bad(forgot to add that)


Niko / 352deee9 : 2007.07.15 (Sun) 15:36'40" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 54 [Reply to / view entire thread (0 replies) >>>>>]

Thanks for the great LS subs.
you are clearly the best !


anonymous / dcf4ea66 : 2007.07.13 (Fri) 12:56'11" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 51 [Reply to / view entire thread (2 replies) >>>>>]

thx for the high quality subs on LS :)

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Anonymous / 9e53c4c0 : 2007.07.14 (Sat) 15:49'10" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 53

eh people need translation notes, i knew this wasnt a noob anime, but i get most of it and ive only been watching anime for 2 years

School Days

kirane / 3d9f2ea8 : 2007.07.09 (Mon) 21:14'41" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 44 [Reply to / view entire thread (2 replies) >>>>>]

Do you have an interest in the anime "School Days"?

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Anonymous / 2e4266b6 : 2007.07.13 (Fri) 12:21'23" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 49

yeah... Lucky Star!

Lucky Star 11

Anon / 9843ca6b : 2007.07.11 (Wed) 17:31'06" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 46 [Reply to / view entire thread (2 replies) >>>>>]

Is it just me or does the sound at around 14 minutes is not synchronized with the video?

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Anonymous / 9e53c4c0 : 2007.07.12 (Thu) 15:27'07" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 48

it could be your computer, what are your specs?

Manga release

eisanseele / 72578700 : 2007.07.01 (Sun) 20:16'09" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 35 [Reply to / view entire thread (1 reply) >>>>>]

where can i get your manga release?

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starfisher / dc47427b : 2007.07.02 (Mon) 19:58'59" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 43

On our IRC bot.


velocity7 / f30b0380 : 2007.06.30 (Sat) 22:15'03" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 34 [Reply to / view entire thread (0 replies) >>>>>]

PM me when you get a chance on IRC. Or say my name (should ring off the nick alert). :)

You could see that question coming...

raiku / 315bfe69 : 2007.06.26 (Tue) 18:08'10" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 29 [Reply to / view entire thread (2 replies) >>>>>]

Is the XML Engine behind the site available for public download? I was looking for a good XML back-end for AGES!
If You could help, I would be glad. Thanks!

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raiku / 315bfe69 : 2007.06.28 (Thu) 01:16'15" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 33

i fully understand You. Take care and good luck!

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