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Viewing entire thread : Lucky Star

lol wut / e669cb17 : 2007.08.12 (Sun) 10:21'14" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 83 [<<<<< Return to thread index]

did the lucky star project stopped or what?

Reply : (No subject)

Ascaroth / 1ec0c077 : 2007.08.12 (Sun) 12:58'35" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 84

Please refrain from double posting. Next occurrence will result in both messages being deleted plus a ban. (Your duplicate post was deleted.)

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / b97b80b9 : 2007.08.13 (Mon) 14:42'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 85

lol seriously what a noob, dont they know fansubers have lives too

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / e669cb17 : 2007.08.14 (Tue) 15:22'10" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 86

what's your point? having a life and a stopped project are totally different things

Reply : (No subject)

Anonymous / 9cf2bf2f : 2007.08.15 (Wed) 09:29'27" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 87

it's august... you know, beaches, chicks and such

Reply : (No subject)

starfisher / bb80d981 : 2007.08.15 (Wed) 18:43'28" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 88


Reply : It's not stopped.. yet. :D

org.anh / 72c4ba31 : 2007.08.16 (Thu) 07:12'20" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 90

5 episodes released simultaneously today. Wow. ^^

Reply : (No subject)

Sandy Wich&•M8FISrO/vZ / 87ac9fd0 : 2007.08.17 (Fri) 19:18'22" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 91

Yay for new episodes!

Reply : (No subject)

STi / 391e19fa : 2007.08.19 (Sun) 04:01'52" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 92

I just noticed... what happened to the notes for the episodes? I've been looking for them on the site but it appears they stopped at episode 8.

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Anonymous / 5b7bc547 : 2007.08.19 (Sun) 15:44'24" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 93

only newfags need ep notes

Reply : (No subject)

STi / b4eed8c0 : 2007.08.20 (Mon) 01:59'16" UTC-0700 (PDT)
No. 94

Nobody asked you, 4channer.

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