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starfisher : 2008.12.06 (Sat) 23:00'00" UTC-0800 (PST)[<<<<< Return to latest entries]
Daitetsu seriously creeps me out.
mig / ba065860 : 2009.01.06 (Tue) 07:16'16" UTC-0800 (PST)No. 1
I hope you don't drop this.
ddid / 1769cd00 : 2009.02.14 (Sat) 03:06'00" UTC-0800 (PST)No. 2
moar kannagi gimme moar
Neostar / f09272b2 : 2009.04.30 (Thu) 13:01'51" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 3
Yea are you guys and gals alive. I just wanted to know you know (^_^)
NarumiAyumu / bbeedb2a : 2009.05.06 (Wed) 10:37'58" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 4
Anonymous / 9e04cd3b : 2009.05.12 (Tue) 03:57'29" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 5
*cardiac arrest tone*