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starfisher : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 02:00'00" UTC-0700 (PDT)[<<<<< Return to latest entries]
Note to self: avoid crazy, bloodthirsty, baseball bat-wielding schoolgirls in the future.
Anonymous / 3973e379 : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 02:08'16" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 1
not kannagi :(
Chimasternmay / f5f7449e : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 02:11'36" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 2
thx, also know when ep 2 and 3 come out ? or are they already out and we just gotta wait. but thx.
jalla / 2ebbde4c : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 02:58'30" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 3
ep. 2 of Denpa Teki is being in production ATM i think. expect arrival in fall probably...
Anonymous / 3139b4e5 : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 10:25'44" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 4
Can you upload the ass script?
Kaitou / 7821bc0b : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 12:03'39" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 5
Very nice job! Hope you'd keep subbing this show. It's extremely cool!
Anonymous / 985feaf5 : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 12:34'33" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 6
not Kannagi but interesting ova. will wait for second one >o<
Anonymous / ba3a8c98 : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 12:42'42" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 7
There's no point for them to release more Kannagi. Everyone had already dropped their releases in favor of Ayako / SHiN-gx ones.
Krama / 17c41b5a : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 18:35'24" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 8
Thanks for the release (^_^) b @anon EnA is the best subber for Kannagi even above SHiN-GX & Ayako. I'm hoping EnA is still working on it though.
du5k / 0fdc13cf : 2009.05.14 (Thu) 22:08'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 9
I was hoping someone will pick this up. Thank you!!!
Anonymous / 2187eeba : 2009.05.15 (Fri) 10:53'34" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 10
Nice work EnA! Thx for the release! Kannagi next plz!
Zeph / a81b1e83 : 2009.05.16 (Sat) 09:00'41" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 11
As Kaitou asked, I wanted to know if the script would have been available ? :x thanks :)
Anonymous / 3139b4e5 : 2009.05.16 (Sat) 10:57'13" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 12
yeah script please
Ascaroth / 1ec03cca : 2009.05.17 (Sun) 04:39'51" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 13
It is our policy to deny all requests for scripts. Your understanding on this matter is highly appreciated.