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starfisher : 2009.05.18 (Mon) 18:10'00" UTC-0700 (PDT)[<<<<< Return to latest entries]
So I heard u like some Kannagi so we decided to release some Kannagi in your Kannagi so you can have more Kannagi for your Kannagi.
Anonymous / 3973e379 : 2009.05.18 (Mon) 19:58'46" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 1
thanks for the releases cant wait for the rest of the eps to come out too thank you
Krama / 3dfaf59e : 2009.05.18 (Mon) 21:43'27" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 2
Freakin' sweet release! I hope you can finish the whole series =3
Lupin / 3d009e51 : 2009.05.19 (Tue) 00:17'29" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 3
can't wait for the next episodes! any plans on subbing episode 14? thanks again!
Anonymous / 2c39a892 : 2009.05.19 (Tue) 23:10'45" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 4
nice, been looking forward to this...
NarumiAyumu / bbeedb2a : 2009.05.20 (Wed) 00:57'13" UTC-0700 (PDT)No. 5
>>3 we sub all eps of kannagi so you get all your kannagi for your kannagi