[EnM/EnA] Eien no Manga Scanlations & Eien no Anime Translations




Lucky☆Star Episode 7

NarumiAyumu : 2007.05.30 (Wed) 18:00'07" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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Kagamin burninating the countryside...

And a Happy Belated birthday to Konata Izumi!



YURIKA changelog (400)

Ascaroth : 2007.05.29 (Tue) 22:32'41" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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Fixed ATOM feed and added antispam protection for e-mail addresses.

  • Fixed: ATOM 1.0 feed now displays HTML correctly
  • Added: e-mail addresses in BB are now encoded as a defense against address harvesting bots



YURIKA changelog (389)

Ascaroth : 2007.05.28 (Mon) 19:27'50" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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Optimized and modularized code.

  • Fixed: HTML markup showing up in ATOM feed
  • Fixed: Various security issues
  • Added: Caching (page generation time can now achieve 1.5 ms although uncached generation time can increase up to 600 ms)
  • Modified: BB/news/project management code now modularized
  • Modified: Configuration variables placed into array instead of being separate variables

389 might still be a bit buggy so if anything acts up please leave a post in the BB or report it in our channel! Also remember that this site runs on a shared server so generation times will fluctuate a lot.



Lucky☆Star Episode 6

starfisher : 2007.05.19 (Sat) 23:33'52" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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Make sure to see the notes under the Episode 6 entry!



YURIKA changelog (317)

Ascaroth : 2007.05.19 (Sat) 23:21'09" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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Various bugfixes and site improvements have been done.

  • Fixed: Missing avatars are not detected in news page (monthly view)
  • Fixed: Password-less posts can be deleted without a password in BB
  • Fixed: BB navigation list style inconsistent with other pages
  • Fixed: Clicking post number does not add reply indicator (>>postnumber) into content in BB
  • Fixed: External link indicator (External link) corrupts link in text version
  • Fixed: Bullet (•) becomes exclamation (!) in text version of projects pages
  • Fixed: Release progress can grow >100% in projects pages
  • Added: Additional 5% transparency to make things easier to read
  • Added: Ability to jump directly to an episode from list of latest releases
  • Added: Release type in text for text version in projects pages
  • Added: CSS media type set to screen so everything else gets a virtual text version (less elegant than the server-generated text version)
  • Added: Anchors for all major headings in all pages (for quick access by http://url/section/#anchor)
  • Some others I forgot...

When you expand or collapse sections in the Projects section, the 'Return to project index' button may not move as you'd expect in Firefox, although it resets itself to its correct position if you click either the phantom image or the location where the image should've moved to. This appears to be a rendering bug with FF and does not affect IE. I've done some testing, and the issue only occurs if the button is linked to another page; it shifts properly as the 'To top of page' button does if the link is only an anchor. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about this so FF users will just have to live with it.



Lucky☆Star Episode 5

starfisher : 2007.05.14 (Mon) 18:49'07" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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And this is why you shouldn't waste your life on WoW. :3



Lucky☆Star Episode 4

NarumiAyumu : 2007.05.06 (Sun) 15:09'54" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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To Heart, Higurashi, Death Note... all this and more in this week's Lucky Star!



Site launch

Ascaroth : 2007.05.06 (Sun) 00:00'00" UTC-0700 (PDT)
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No, we didn't actually get into trouble with the FBI... for those of you who still haven't noticed the scrollbar on the right. So after 2 weeks of CSS hell and another week of coding the new features and fixing up various things... here it is: the nice, new version of this site. Even though the layout is almost exactly the same, the underlying structure has changed completely. Hopefully now it won't take an hour for me to update the site whenever something is released...

See the big 'BETA' up there? That's right... this site's still not release quality by my standards, and it might act up on you if it doesn't like what you're doing. If it does act up though, just tell me and I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again. And if you think 200ms page generation time is slow... well... come back after I optimize it when I get bored enough to.

Also, many of the pages still have stuff to be added on, so if some part's missing or something just come back some other day and do something else with your life in the meantime.

Lastly this layout is designed to work with Mozilla Firefox 2 External link and Internet Explorer 7 External link. If you use one of these two browsers and something's funny, I'll try to fix it. If you use any other browser and find problems, then you're welcome to use the text version. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I really do not find any interest in making my sites fully cross-browser compatible seeing as how time-consuming of a task it can become.

Alright, have fun...

Page generation time = 0.00115"